Organic Produce at Octopussys: How does your garden grow?

Organic Produce at Octopussys: How does your garden grow?

Octopussy manager Jaco talks about the organic farm she works with her neighbour Glen Dunne. ‘Glen came up with the idea for a 100% organic farm, himself and his mates put a lot into it’. Jaco says. ‘The soil had to be de-gorsed and nourished before anything could be planted’. The hard work has paid off as they now have a selection of salad crops, fruit trees and bushes and a stock of winter vegetables.

In addition to organic produce Jaco says. ‘The entire plot is built with recycled materials and Glenn also built a poly tunnel from scratch and the plants are thriving inside of it’. ‘The garden is primarily for personal and family use but my plan is to build the herb supply with the aim of supplying Octopussy with fresh organic herbs’.

Jaco says. ‘All our plants are grown from seed we get from an organic farm in Leitrim and we use no chemicals or spays on the stock, we rely on nature to take care of that by planting certain plants and flowers that attract bugs’. Jaco adds. ‘To the edge of the garden is a stream with tadpoles and as soon as they become frogs they will eat the bugs around the garden’.

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